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Rework rate is over 98%, Foshan! We are back!

Date: Feb. 29th, 2020

More than a month after the outbreak of the coronavirus, the situation was gradually brought under control, and there were no new cases in Foshan in recent days. Foshan enterprises are at full capacity, and all production lines for home appliances, building materials, furniture, and technology have resumed their enthusiasm.

As of today, Foshan's industrial enterprises above the designated size have resumed more than 7,000 jobs, with a return rate of more than 98%. Feel the progress of Foshan's resumption with the lens! Foshan! We are back!

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Contact: Leah Yip

Phone: +8613798661021

Tel: +8613798661021

Email: leah.ye@yahoo.com

Add: No. 342, Shuitou Industrial South Road,Dali, Nanhai District, Guangdong, China

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